Before I can finish debunking one misconception about my studies on Wis. Jury Instruction 140 — studies available here and here — another misconception pops up. It’s like playing a never-ending game of “whack-a-mole.” It’s easy and virtually cost-free (in terms of time) for prosecutors and judges to launch these attacks. But their criticisms are often
so far off-base, or even bizarre, that it takes a lot of work to respond to
them. Pretty soon, however, I’ll have
written so much on this topic I will simply be able to respond: “See law review
article C, page six.” Later this year I will publish the recently-completed
Educating Judges and Lawyers on Social Science Research: A Case Study. In it, I will address the latest set of attacks. But if you just can’t wait — or if you can
wait but you have a motion hearing coming up to modify J.I. 140 — you’ll find a
bullet-point list debunking these new criticisms after the
"The studies are not reliable
because the author is a defense lawyer."
False. That's an ad hominem attack and is
not proper argument. (You wouldn’t know it
by the legal profession, but there actually are proper and improper forms of argument.) My day job says nothing
about the strength of the study design, findings, arguments, etc. Drug
companies test drugs. Environmentalists
study global warming. Political think
tanks recommend tax policy reform. This doesn't make the tests, studies, and arguments invalid.
"The study participants could
have been all college students." False. That is true of
many psychology studies, but not ours. We lay out in great detail the
ages, races, jury experiences, and other demographics of all of the study
participants. This is detailed in both studies.
"It's misleading to say there
was a fifty percent increase in convictions." False. This
refers to the nearly fifty percent increase in conviction rates in the second
study. There is no other way to describe
it. We also provided the underlying numbers that produced the fifty
percent increase. The judge who launched this criticism probably heard of
instances where it was said, for example, "Drug X doubles your cancer
risk." This is misleading if the cancer rate went from one percent
to two percent and if those percentages were not disclosed. But we
do the exact opposite of that. We disclose everything. This judicial criticism proves that a little knowledge
is dangerous.
"The sample sizes were too
small and the studies' results are insignificant." False.
The sample sizes were actually very large. More importantly, the results were
statistically significant. This is not a matter of judicial or prosecutorial
opinion; rather, it's a matter of statistical calculation. It's called
the p-value and is explained in great detail in both articles.
"Some of the participants
could have voted the way they did because of biases." Possible. However, as we discussed at length in the
first study, random assignment into groups (when done with large sample sizes such as ours) produces statistically identical groups at the outset, i.e., men,
women, the old, the young, the educated, the uneducated, the biased, the unbiased, etc., are
distributed equally into the two groups. Then, the only thing that is
different between groups is the variable being manipulated. This is a
hallmark of a controlled study.
"The test participants did
not deliberate." True. But this says nothing about the
validity of a study. Many, many published studies do not use juror
deliberations. And the research on the impact of deliberations on
verdicts is itself mixed. We discuss this at length in the Richmond study. Also, in the Columbia
study, we demonstrated that JI 140's language makes twice as many participants mistakenly believe that conviction is proper even if they have a reasonable doubt. Should
we continue to create this misconception in jurors simply because of the
possibility that it might get cleared up during deliberations?
That would be a horrific policy. It would be contrary to the judge's obligation to accurately and clearly instruct the jury, and it would be contrary to a prosecutor's obligation as "minster of justice" to ensure procedural due process for those being prosecuted.
"The studies are not peer reviewed
and therefore were never replicated." Probably true, false, and
false. Richmond
may not have used peer review. Columbia
did. However, the judge who made this
claim is confusing peer review with study replication. Peer review simply
means that, before a journal accepts an article for publication, they send it
out to peers to review it and fill out a survey sheet about the article. (I've even
been asked to peer review an article on police practices that a peer-reviewed
journal was considering publishing.) Peer
reviewers do NOT replicate the study. A study replication, on the other
hand, is what we did in the Columbia
article. We did a conceptual, rather than a direct, replication. This is explained in the article itself.
"Because of the above
criticisms, we should keep JI 140 as it is." False.
Forget about the studies. Forget about case law as to what language is
sufficient to sustain a conviction after the fact. Just imagine two
identical jury instructions on reasonable doubt, the highest burden of proof
there is. Both instructions also provide a litany of doubts that are not
reasonable and should not be used to acquit, e.g., speculative doubt, imaginary
doubt, doubt based on fear, etc. (New York
used to tell jurors not to be "weak-kneed jellyfish" when rendering their
verdict; Wisconsin still does
this, but without using the exact term “jellyfish.”) Again, the two instructions are
identical. However, the only difference is that the second instruction
ends with the mandate "not to search for doubt" but "to search
for the truth." Wouldn't you EXPECT this second instruction to lower
the burden of proof? If a juror is told not to look for doubt but to
search for the truth, and thinks something is merely "probably true,"
the juror would be obligated to convict. The studies, therefore, are only
confirming what is already logical and even expected. So even if someone
had a legitimate criticism about the studies, JI 140 should still be
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