like Mark Wiegert and Tom Fassbender have tactics to get suspects to waive
their Miranda rights, and they have a different set of ploys to get
suspects to tell them what they want to hear—or, in Brendan Dassey’s case, to
get him to agree with whatever they, the interrogators, are saying. (I love it when they get Dassey to agree to
something, but then later discover that what they made him agree with doesn’t
make any sense after all. The dynamic
duo then gets frustrated with the kid, as if he was the one who gave the
bad information to them.)
But before the interrogation begins, detectives like
to warm their suspects up a bit—you know, feign interest in them and build some
rapport before getting too hot and heavy.
To see how Wiegert and Fassbender did this, read chapter 10, “Getting to
Know All About You,” from my soon-to-be-released book, Anatomy of a False Confession: The Interrogation and Conviction of Brendan Dassey (Rowman
& Littlefield).[1] Order today for delivery by Halloween; but until
then, enjoy a sneak peek of chapter 10, after the jump. (Reprinted with permission of the publisher;
citations to interrogation transcripts omitted for this post.)