Sunday, April 1, 2018

Baseball, Subs, and F-Bombs

Knightly enjoys a sub
I absolutely loved Tommy Lasorda subs in the late 90s.  With all due respect to Hungry Head -- Kenosha's oldest and finest sub shop -- few things were as enjoyable as going to Tommy Lasorda's Dugout on 22nd Avenue for a delicious sub made fresh, right in front of your eyes.  I recently tried to replicate the experience from memory using store-bought ingredients, but my attempt fell flat.  My effort was, at best, a foul tip.

Much like a home run ball, Tommy Lasorda's Dugout is long gone.  Last I read, the chain went out of business which proves, much like the old Betamax, that the best products don't necessarily survive.  But thanks to two email attachments I recently received from the Irreverent Lawyer, we can still enjoy some absolutely amazing clips of the legend Tommy Lasorda himself.  

In this first clip, Tommy teaches us how to deal with stupid questions.  I wish players and managers would take this approach today -- I'm sick of the question, "What does this win mean?" -- but they'd be fired (or at least suspended) on the spot.  We live in far too sensitive a culture for this kind of talk, which makes me glad to have grown up in the 70s and lived the prime of my life in the 80s.  

And in this clip, well, Tommy just tells it as it is.

So let's all enjoy the start of baseball season, find ourselves a good sub sandwich, and be just a little more honest and straightforward -- just like Tommy.  

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