I am pleased to introduce Legal Watchdog readers to The Irreverent Lawyer—a gun-slinging civil attorney out west who brilliantly
criticizes, among other things, mandatory state bar associations and continuing
legal education (CLE) requirements. (And
he does it with wonderfully illustrated posts.)
Now, I always knew that, notwithstanding my state bar’s hyper-positive
spin, I wasn’t getting anything for my nearly-$500 check that I sign every year. And I always knew that after taking most CLEs I was frustrated and drained of money, time, and energy. But I was never angry about any of this until I started reading some of his posts.
This post, Spin Doctors, Sock Puppets, and the Cost to Practice Law, includes a nice ranking of the most expensive state bar
associations. Surprise! Wisconsin
is ninth in the U.S. —and
now eighth, after the state of Washington
voted to dramatically slash its bar dues.
And what does the Wisconsin state bar do? It creates studies that tell us what the
law blogs like Inside the Law School Scam and Outside the Law School Scam have
been telling us for years: nearly half of new lawyers can’t find law jobs and those
who do are afraid to practice law because they haven’t been trained how.
Finally, in this post, Suicidal Lawyers?: State Bar Reacts Like Usual, he discusses how unfounded media claims about lawyer
suicides cause knee-jerk reactions from state bars in the form of mandatory
CLE programs on mental health! Actually,
it was this topic of mental health that introduced me to the Irreverent
Lawyer. He saw, liked, and reposted my earlier
work on this topic, which you can find in his Suicidal Lawyers post, and on The Dog, by clicking this link. [Spoiler Alert! The Wisconsin Bar has an ironic recommendation
to cure lawyer anxiety caused by not having money or the know-how to practice
law: do free, volunteer legal work for real people with real legal problems.]
Welcome to Wisconsin, Irreverent Lawyer!
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for the shout-out! Much appreciated.