Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Dog’s hiatus is over

Photo by Amy Kushner
My second book, Tried and Convicted: How Police, Prosecutors, and Judges Destroy Our Constitutional Rights, is now complete and in the hands of the editors at Rowman & Littlefield, with an expected publication date of September 2012.  I am therefore freed up—at least temporarily—to return to work at The Legal Watchdog for some judge-bashing blog posts.  And it turns out there is plenty of bashing to do.  Several Wisconsin judges have been behaving badly lately and, even worse, they’ve been getting away with it.  Please enjoy the two-part “Judges-Gone-Wild,” with part one following soon after this post.         


  1. I can't wait to read this book. If I offered you a free copy of my book, would you read it and consider writing a short endorsement for my blog?

  2. Ann:

    Send a copy via U.S. mail to my business address, available at, and I will review the book on The Legal Watchdog.

